Saturday 16 August 2008

photos are up now, thanks for your patience

Most of the people who attended are Frank's closest friends. The two elderlies are my friends from the church.

Tuesday 22 July 2008

I feel great wearing a wedding band

I was looking at the mirror in front of me and all I could see was the shining band on my ring finger. It looks great and feels great. When I say it feels great to wear a wedding ring, it embodies the whole thing of getting married.

I used to think that I'm nobody, that I'm never gonna be good for anyone. Until I met my Francesco. To feel loved is one of the greatest things in this world. Sometimes I think that I'm too ugly and clumsy no one's gonna like me. But now I feel great to belong to someone. When I wake up in the morning and I feel that I look like a witch and then my husband would kiss me I suddenly feel the most beautiful woman in the world. I don't mind if I go out without makeup. I don't need to look beautiful to other people. I already am loved the way I look.

Sometimes I walk down the street and see males chatting over a can of ale or something. Then I would think, sorry guys I'm already taken.

Well, there are so many wonderful things about getting married. And I thank God for giving me a wonderful husband.

Ti amo tanto, amore mio.

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Our photos

Please come back to this blog later. I forgot to bring our camera so we have to wait for Massimo to give us the pictures from his videocam.

Meanwhile I got this today

Monday 7 July 2008

The Celebration

Whew! back at home. We put the foods on the table and waited for everybody to arrive before we started.

As part of a European weddings and celebrations, Champagne is a must. The first bottle was opened and there was no spillage, only a steam came out which is good. Otherwise, the foods would have been wet. But the second one didn't allow for a quiet opening. As if to greet and wish us a happy and successful marriage, the champagne burst out.

There was a friendly, cosy atmosphere while we were having a dinner. There was a vegetarian sandwich and lasagna, beef lasagna, salmon sandwich, ham sandwich, nuts, olives, fruit juices, iced tea, and cake that was gifted by Carla.

Everybody was chatting with each other. There were 3 English, 4 Italians including the groom, 1 Algerian, 1 Dutch, and me, a Filipina. It was such an international event.

The foods that were served were just smorgasbord and were going to order pizzas when the pizza shop opens at half past 5 pm. But everybody seemed to have had their stomach filled. Gabriella's lasagnas were really superb and were quite filling. We didn't have to order more pizzas in the end.

Later, Jacopo's girlfriend and their son arrived to join us. My circle of friends is getting bigger and I like it.

Shortly before 10 pm, everyone had left and there was still so much food.

The Wedding Day Part 2

Around 3 pm

Francesco and Gabriella were with Jacopo. I was not allowed to go out of my room until they have left. Carrying my handbag, bouquet and CD, I had to rush to the kitchen to drink before Massimo, Linda and I followed the groom's car. I was wearing cardigan to cover my dress.

We got to the Registry Office but we had to park at the back. The first car couldn't find the parking place. They had to go around and even if Massimo knew where it was, we couldn't go ahead because the groom is not supposed to see me.

It was chilly and I was shaking nervously.

According to Marty, one of our guests, the Registrar told her that we were supposed to be there at ten minutes before 3 pm. But we couldn't find the ring and the park so we were delayed.

Finally, they called us in only Francesco and Me. Inside, they had to ask for our age and father's name. Shame, I couldn't remember if I am 32 or 33. The Registrar's secretary asked when I was born. I said that I have just turned 33 and the the kind Registrar said, "You're not used to it yet." I'm so glad they were very nice and understanding.

When they asked for our CD, I couldn't say a word. I left it at home. So they had to play a classical one. I felt very sad and upset with myself. I prepared that song for a long time and how could I forget it.

A few minutes later, they called the witnesses and the guests to join us.

The time came for us to declare that we are free to marry each other. But before the questions is being asked Francesco, he said "I am" right away.

Exchange of rings. After Francesco said his vow, I felt like giggling but I had to control myself. When it was my turn to say the vow I could hold it any longer. I giggled nervously and then cried. I was so embarrassed!

Finally, it was over. It's time for photographs.

We went to garden and the wind was blowing my Chinese dress. It was chilly but thankfully, the sun came out and gave us a nice weather while taking pictures outside.

The Wedding Day Part 1

Around 5 AM

I woke up at around 6 and saw the sky was gloomy and there was an impending rain. Oh, no! I thought. "I'm gonna get cold with my dress and Francesco too with his Barong Tagalog. But since it's still too early I brushed the worry out and thought that it might get better in the afternoon.

Today is my wedding day and it's only now that I felt the feeling of getting married. Before this day I never really thought about it. Suddenly, I felt a little numb.

6:30 AM

It was only 6:30 AM, I was going back to sleep when my phone rang. It's my mother on the other line. She called to greet me on my wedding day and has a message for Francesco.

8:35 AM

Two hours later, I heard Francesco coming downstairs from his room in the loft. I told him that Nanay wanted to talk to him so he called her back.

Nanay and Francesco's conversation

9:35 AM

We went to Lidle to buy mozarella and salmon for the sandwich. At the entrance are the flowers. We were looking at the white roses for my bouquet but they don't really appeal to me. Besides, the outer petals had got some dark spots already. Perhaps they were just too sensitive but they are not really old. I think they are newly delivered.

I was also looking for an elegant white flower to put on my head. There was a bunch of white ones that looked similar to orchids and lily. Franceso stole one hahaha!!! Then I saw an old bunch of white Lily which most of the flowers were dead exept for the last three ones to open. I told Francesco to ask the shopkeepers if we could have it for free since we are going to buy one anyway. But they refused. I think they would rather have those flowers rot than to be put to good use.

As I was picking for my bouquet I saw the lilies that have only 3 flowers slightly opened and the rests were still buds. I reckon there would be more open by 3 pm.

11 AM

When we got back home, Gabriella and Francesco made sanwiches: vegetarian, salmon, and ham. I quickly took a shower and went to the hair salon for my hairdo.

As the lady was making my hair in a bun I thought that it was really a simple bun she was making, I could have done it myself. It took her several attempts to pull all my hair back and with the help of a spray, the hair stayed in place. It cost me £15 for that which I think was too much for a simple bun. I was gonna call Francesco to pick me up but I decided that I better walk since the house is not that far.

A few meters before reaching the house some hair fell off and I wanted to go back but I told myself that I would just fix it. Actually, it was Gabriella who put it back.

12:55 PM

My flowers have opened and a few more buds have half-opened after being put in the water. I went online to look for ideas how to make a bouquet. In the end I had to make my own style.


2 pm

I started to dress up. And Oh, my Buddha!, the slit is way too high and my girdle was showing. I had to roll it up. But when I sit, the slits go up showing the rolls.

Around 2:00 pm
Carla is supposed to be here by now to take me to the Registry Office. I sent her a message but she is not replying. Maybe too busy on the road.

He called Massimo to give me a lift instead.

2:30 pm

Francesco remembered the ring. I haven't given it to Gabriella. I checked the shelf where I placed it but it disappeared. I looked in my box and it wasn't there. Looked in the wardrobe, it wasn't there. I was getting frantic and Francesco was getting upset. Jacopo, his friend, was giving giving his ring for us to borrow just for the ceremony.

I couldn't think right and we were getting late. Francesco said, "Forget about the ring. We need to go." Miraculously, he found it! It was in the bedside table that used to be in my room but he moved it out.

Conversation between Nanay and Francesco

Nanay: I hope that your love for my daughter will not fade.

Francesco: Of course. I wouldn't do this thing if I'm not in love with Jem. Don't worry, I'm going to take care of her and make sure she is happy with me.

Wow, my eyes popped out shaped like a heart. There were butterflies in my stomach. I was grinning from ear to ear :-D

After they talked, I made an oatmeal and then got ready to buy some more stuff.