Monday 7 July 2008

The Celebration

Whew! back at home. We put the foods on the table and waited for everybody to arrive before we started.

As part of a European weddings and celebrations, Champagne is a must. The first bottle was opened and there was no spillage, only a steam came out which is good. Otherwise, the foods would have been wet. But the second one didn't allow for a quiet opening. As if to greet and wish us a happy and successful marriage, the champagne burst out.

There was a friendly, cosy atmosphere while we were having a dinner. There was a vegetarian sandwich and lasagna, beef lasagna, salmon sandwich, ham sandwich, nuts, olives, fruit juices, iced tea, and cake that was gifted by Carla.

Everybody was chatting with each other. There were 3 English, 4 Italians including the groom, 1 Algerian, 1 Dutch, and me, a Filipina. It was such an international event.

The foods that were served were just smorgasbord and were going to order pizzas when the pizza shop opens at half past 5 pm. But everybody seemed to have had their stomach filled. Gabriella's lasagnas were really superb and were quite filling. We didn't have to order more pizzas in the end.

Later, Jacopo's girlfriend and their son arrived to join us. My circle of friends is getting bigger and I like it.

Shortly before 10 pm, everyone had left and there was still so much food.

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