Wednesday 2 July 2008

getting married

So I'm getting married. I have finally found the man I want to be with for the rest of my life with the help of God. I have been waiting for this all my life. But it was not an easy thing. I mean I had to sift the men that come to ask for my hand.

Did I have some standards? Definitely yes, I did when I was younger.

My criteria were
  1. God-fearing
  2. He should be 3-5 years older
  3. Doesn't smoke and drink
  4. At least 5'10 in height
  5. Of course he should be handsome--at least in my eyes
  6. Must have a decent job
  7. Loves plants and gardening
  8. Strong personality
  9. Responsible and sincere
  10. Respects me as a woman
Well, as I matured I figured out it's impossible to find one who will meet at least 5 out of those ten criteria. So I brushed them off my shoulders and came down to one, someone whom God gives.

I thought that anyone who particularly belong to the same faith would be good enough. But I was too wrong. I couldn't love any guy at random. Somehow those criteria were embedded in my subconscious mind.

Finally, I stopped looking and guess what? God indeed send me the right man. And out of those 10 criteria, he scored 8 except for the age and height which are very close actually. He is 5'7 and 2 years older.

This is the story of my romance.

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