Monday 7 July 2008

The Wedding Day Part 1

Around 5 AM

I woke up at around 6 and saw the sky was gloomy and there was an impending rain. Oh, no! I thought. "I'm gonna get cold with my dress and Francesco too with his Barong Tagalog. But since it's still too early I brushed the worry out and thought that it might get better in the afternoon.

Today is my wedding day and it's only now that I felt the feeling of getting married. Before this day I never really thought about it. Suddenly, I felt a little numb.

6:30 AM

It was only 6:30 AM, I was going back to sleep when my phone rang. It's my mother on the other line. She called to greet me on my wedding day and has a message for Francesco.

8:35 AM

Two hours later, I heard Francesco coming downstairs from his room in the loft. I told him that Nanay wanted to talk to him so he called her back.

Nanay and Francesco's conversation

9:35 AM

We went to Lidle to buy mozarella and salmon for the sandwich. At the entrance are the flowers. We were looking at the white roses for my bouquet but they don't really appeal to me. Besides, the outer petals had got some dark spots already. Perhaps they were just too sensitive but they are not really old. I think they are newly delivered.

I was also looking for an elegant white flower to put on my head. There was a bunch of white ones that looked similar to orchids and lily. Franceso stole one hahaha!!! Then I saw an old bunch of white Lily which most of the flowers were dead exept for the last three ones to open. I told Francesco to ask the shopkeepers if we could have it for free since we are going to buy one anyway. But they refused. I think they would rather have those flowers rot than to be put to good use.

As I was picking for my bouquet I saw the lilies that have only 3 flowers slightly opened and the rests were still buds. I reckon there would be more open by 3 pm.

11 AM

When we got back home, Gabriella and Francesco made sanwiches: vegetarian, salmon, and ham. I quickly took a shower and went to the hair salon for my hairdo.

As the lady was making my hair in a bun I thought that it was really a simple bun she was making, I could have done it myself. It took her several attempts to pull all my hair back and with the help of a spray, the hair stayed in place. It cost me £15 for that which I think was too much for a simple bun. I was gonna call Francesco to pick me up but I decided that I better walk since the house is not that far.

A few meters before reaching the house some hair fell off and I wanted to go back but I told myself that I would just fix it. Actually, it was Gabriella who put it back.

12:55 PM

My flowers have opened and a few more buds have half-opened after being put in the water. I went online to look for ideas how to make a bouquet. In the end I had to make my own style.


2 pm

I started to dress up. And Oh, my Buddha!, the slit is way too high and my girdle was showing. I had to roll it up. But when I sit, the slits go up showing the rolls.

Around 2:00 pm
Carla is supposed to be here by now to take me to the Registry Office. I sent her a message but she is not replying. Maybe too busy on the road.

He called Massimo to give me a lift instead.

2:30 pm

Francesco remembered the ring. I haven't given it to Gabriella. I checked the shelf where I placed it but it disappeared. I looked in my box and it wasn't there. Looked in the wardrobe, it wasn't there. I was getting frantic and Francesco was getting upset. Jacopo, his friend, was giving giving his ring for us to borrow just for the ceremony.

I couldn't think right and we were getting late. Francesco said, "Forget about the ring. We need to go." Miraculously, he found it! It was in the bedside table that used to be in my room but he moved it out.

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