Monday 7 July 2008

The Wedding Day Part 2

Around 3 pm

Francesco and Gabriella were with Jacopo. I was not allowed to go out of my room until they have left. Carrying my handbag, bouquet and CD, I had to rush to the kitchen to drink before Massimo, Linda and I followed the groom's car. I was wearing cardigan to cover my dress.

We got to the Registry Office but we had to park at the back. The first car couldn't find the parking place. They had to go around and even if Massimo knew where it was, we couldn't go ahead because the groom is not supposed to see me.

It was chilly and I was shaking nervously.

According to Marty, one of our guests, the Registrar told her that we were supposed to be there at ten minutes before 3 pm. But we couldn't find the ring and the park so we were delayed.

Finally, they called us in only Francesco and Me. Inside, they had to ask for our age and father's name. Shame, I couldn't remember if I am 32 or 33. The Registrar's secretary asked when I was born. I said that I have just turned 33 and the the kind Registrar said, "You're not used to it yet." I'm so glad they were very nice and understanding.

When they asked for our CD, I couldn't say a word. I left it at home. So they had to play a classical one. I felt very sad and upset with myself. I prepared that song for a long time and how could I forget it.

A few minutes later, they called the witnesses and the guests to join us.

The time came for us to declare that we are free to marry each other. But before the questions is being asked Francesco, he said "I am" right away.

Exchange of rings. After Francesco said his vow, I felt like giggling but I had to control myself. When it was my turn to say the vow I could hold it any longer. I giggled nervously and then cried. I was so embarrassed!

Finally, it was over. It's time for photographs.

We went to garden and the wind was blowing my Chinese dress. It was chilly but thankfully, the sun came out and gave us a nice weather while taking pictures outside.

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